My love is as a picture in a frame...
Each stroke of my brush a blazing flame...
We have painted, my brush and I...
Painted dreams and images as wide as the sky...
To some, we have bid goodbye...
But with some, they seem reluctant to try...
They seem afraid to let the paint dry...
I can only pause and wonder why...
Hmmm, but still we be together, my paintbrush and I...
What colour is this that frightens you so?...
What part of the picture makes you want to go?
Why do you deal us such a heavy blow?
I thought our picture would glow...
But now you ruin the flow...
And yet still we be together, my paintbrush and I...
My paintbrush be my heart...
My painting be my life's every part...
Black when we hurt...
White when it's a fresh start...
Fiery red for those we'll never part...
But be not afraid of my hues...
I will raise you when you are blue...
To you we shall be true...
Be not afraid that I shall walk away...
In search of a clearer day...
I am here to stay...
But let me paint my love as I know how...
Strong yet fragile...
Deep and Inviting...
Or maybe you should be afraid...
But either way, we be together, my paintbrush and I.
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